Mary's Tactics! by Megumi Onozawa
Created = April 13, 2000

Hey, here's something that I've had in the works for a long time.  I'm really happy to finally get it online for you all to enjoy.  16 pages translated into English, great characters, a great story, and great art!
First of all, this will probabaly be your first experience with Miss Megumi Onozawa's art.  She's easily one of my favorite comic artists.  Unfortunately, I haven't seen too much of what she's done.  I've got at least one other comic, and a few other things, but I'm looking for more.   Anyhow, she's great, I'm sure you'll love her too.
Also, for many of you, I suspect that this will be your first real experience with many of the cool King of Fighter characters that appear in this comic.  Mary and Terry (the coolest!) are the stars, but there's a lot of other interesting info throughout the comic.

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