
.Super Street Fighter IV Cammy

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Capcom, the masters at putting a 'new' face on the same old crap is at it again with Super Street Fighter IV.  Except for some video featuring the Shadowloo Dolls (anime-only), the only other thing that has me excited about SSFIV is Cammy's new costume.  Most everybody else got something lame, but Cammy got an awesome new Bison outfit!  I wonder if that's gonna change the storyline at all?!   Anyhow, here's a video...

Cosplay PotW
The new outfit already seems to be a big hit with artists, here's some of what I've found so far....
rgm501 at deviantART
LOL @ Bison in the background :)
Artilleria at deviantART
Nice picture, and I love the link to the details about how the picture was made!
And some pictures from Japan...

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