Felicia animation frames

Felicia is a long-time favorite of just about everybody.  I don't know what it really is about her... she's actually a very strange character!  Then again, I guess her mass appeal is about the same as Cammy's - she unique, she's sexy but cute, she's got a fun personality, and she's pretty damn strong if you know how to play her.

Anyhow, check out some of these animation frames from Vampire Savior.  As is especially the case with Felicia, things move too fast in the fame for you to see all the different pictures that make up the animation.   Well, here are a few frames that you normally cannot see...

99 Jab Strong Fierce
In the Air fel-jab-air.gif (1760 bytes) fel-str-air.gif (1557 bytes) fel-frc-air.gif (1453 bytes)
Standing fel-jab.gif (1885 bytes) fel-str.gif (1655 bytes) fel-frc.gif (2254 bytes)
Crouching fel-jab-crch.gif (1626 bytes) fel-str-crch.gif (1605 bytes) fel-frc-crch.gif (1752 bytes)
99 Short Forward Roundhouse
In the Air fel-shrt-fwd-air.gif (1576 bytes) fel-shrt-fwd-air.gif (1576 bytes) fel-rndhs-air.gif (1827 bytes)
Standing fel-shrt.gif (1778 bytes) fel-fwd.gif (1669 bytes) fel-rndhs.gif (1825 bytes)
Crouching fel-shrt-crch.gif (1620 bytes) fel-fwd-crch.gif (1657 bytes) fel-rndhs-crch.gif (1488 bytes)
Miscellaneous Felicia stuff...
99 fel-rndhs-cls.gif (1988 bytes) fel-frc-cls.gif (1845 bytes) fel-upper.gif (1874 bytes) yeah.gif (1989 bytes) wall3.gif (1169 bytes)
99 fel-dash2.gif (1458 bytes) fel-ball1.gif (1670 bytes) fel-ball2.gif (1394 bytes) wall2.gif (914 bytes)
99 fel-kitty.gif (353 bytes) fel-mflip1.gif (1072 bytes) wall1.gif (813 bytes)
99 sit-on-jon1.gif (3533 bytes) sit-on-sas1.gif (3527 bytes) sit-on-ank1.gif (4711 bytes)
Miscellaneous Kitty stuff...
99 kitty-jump1.gif (798 bytes) kitty-jump2.gif (803 bytes) kitty-jump3.gif (941 bytes) kitty-jump4.gif (1016 bytes) kitty-jump5.gif (920 bytes)
99 kitty-dash1.gif (1015 bytes) kitty-dash2.gif (979 bytes) kitty-dash3.gif (1070 bytes) kitty-dash4.gif (954 bytes) 99



Felicia's VS Ending

You know it's hard to escape Cammy on my page... but who would want to?!  (Damn you if you do!!)  Anyhow, check out the little girl with the long blonde braided pigtails in Felicia's Vampire Savior ending.   Who do you think that is?  It not only looks like Cammy, but remember, Cammy's just like an orphan because she's a lost little girl without a family.  And you know how much Cammy loves cats!
fel-end1.gif (8087 bytes) After enjoying great success as a dancer, Felicia opened an orphanage called "Felicity House."
She wanted to help those that could not help themselves.
fel-end2.gif (7244 bytes) Sister!  Sister!!  We've just finished our studies!
Please sing us a song!  Please!
fel-end3.gif (2487 bytes) Well... OK!  Today't a good day to sing and dance!
fel-end4.gif (5705 bytes) Happy...  Happy...  Joy... Joy...
Ohhh!!  Our favorite song!