sm-present1-4koma.gif (60243 bytes)

by Miss Kohime Ohse

Cammy:  "Cammy, your bare legs must get cold!!  I bet you'd like to have some stockings, huh?"

Cammy:  "Sure, I guess so..."

Ken:  "That's why I got you this little present!  Here you go!!"

Cammy:  "But I'm not really cold..."

Ken:  "That's okay... try 'em on anyways!"

Cammy:  "........"
Cammy:  "Hey, this is cute!"  (all the lace and stuff like that)

Ken:  "YOU'RE welcome!"

stefan99's note...
OH YES!!  It sure is cute!  ^_^  All hate I ever had for Ken being a shotoclone is now gone.  He's awesome!  Thank you Ken!!