Delta Red Cosplay - Pink 2
Last Update = July 5, 2004   (Pink Delta Red 20-23 added)

Here's the 2nd gallery of Delta Red Cammys wearing the ultra-cute pink outfit!  There's really not much else to say... it's better if you go see for yourself!  Enjoy!!  (I'm sure you will)
cam-d-pink-7a-tn.jpg (2823 bytes) Pink Delta Red 7a  13k  (167x500)
This is an interesting Cammy because she doesn't have braided pigtails.  I don't really know what to call that hair style she's got...
cam-d-pink-7b-tn.jpg (3007 bytes) Pink Delta Red 7b  23k  (333x500)
Here's a closer look at that hair.  It's not real.  In 1999, lots of girls were wearing hair extensions like this.  I know they're extensions because I once asked a girl how she did that... she unclipped it, and I felt pretty embarrassed!   ^_^
cam-d-pink-8a-tn.jpg (2909 bytes) Pink Delta Red 8a  149k  (500x393)
Looks cute, huh?  Well, what happens next is not.  Cammy yanks Chun Li's face into the tree!  As she stands there stunned, Cammy runs around, German Suplexes Chun Li, and wins the fight at the playground!!
cam-d-pink-9a-tn.jpg (2764 bytes) Pink Delta Red 9a  16k  (194x271)
What's neat about this Cammy, is that she's got a purple hat and gloves to go along with the pink outfit.  It looks good... I wish I had more pictures of this girl.
cam-d-pink-10a-tn.jpg (2796 bytes) Pink Delta Red 10a  22k  (343x512)
Here's a cute little pink Cammy that looks like she just got back from a shopping spree...  (the 'real' Cammy is known to love shopping too)
cam-d-pink-11a-tn.jpg (2637 bytes) Pink Delta Red 11a  13k  (120x160)
Don't let this grumpy-looking Cammy fool you... it really is fun to cosplay as Cammy!  In fact, there's nothing better!!  This girl just takes her work very seriously...
cam-d-pink-11b-tn.jpg (2509 bytes) Pink Delta Red 11b  15k  (228x500)
Here's a bigger and better picture of serious Cammy.  Nice outfit, nice hair... good job!  You can lighten up now!
cam-d-pink-11c-tn.jpg (2811 bytes) Pink Delta Red 11c  17k  (355x500)
Maybe she's upset because there are so many other Cammy cosplayers at the show.  Girls usually don't like that when they go somewhere and see somebody else dressed like them.
cam-d-pink-11d-tn.jpg (2934 bytes) Pink Delta Red 11d  18k  (288x500)
I think she's about to smile!  Cammy cosplayers as good as this one always make me smile!  ^_^
cam-d-pink-11e-tn.jpg (2790 bytes) Pink Delta Red 11e  18k  (335x500)
Here's a close-up picture of Pink Cammy 11.  For some reason, that hint of a smile is no longer there.  Maybe she just hates why guy taking pictures.  I wonder if she beat him up?  The real Cammy would!
cam-d-pink-11f-tn.jpg (2770 bytes) Pink Delta Red 11f  17k  (350x500)
This is an even more up-close picture.  As unenthusiastic as she might be, she looks really good!
cam-d-pink-11g-tn.jpg (2636 bytes) Pink Delta Red 11g  10k  (168x500)
And in the last picture, we get a good look at the whole costume.   She might not have looked like she was having fun, but if she wasn't, she probably wouldn't have stuck around for so many pictures!  They turned out great... thanks.
cam-d-pink-12a-tn.jpg (2668 bytes) Pink Delta Red 12a  17k  (223x510)
This is another really good looking pink Cammy, but that little yellow hand coming from the left side kinda bothers me.  Who is that... and what is she up to?!
cam-d-pink-13a-tn.jpg (2819 bytes) Pink Delta Red 13a  74k  (401x601)
This isn't the fanciest Cammy costume, but do you know what... it still looks great!  That's just one of the many beauties of Cammy!
cam-d-pink-14a-tn.jpg (3340 bytes) Pink Delta Red 14a  68k  (296x720)
This girl is also "Green Delta Red Cammy 19".   Check out her other picture in the DR Green 2 gallery.  If you'll notice, many of these girls have cosplayed as Cammy more than once!  That's because Cammy never, ever gets boring!!
cam-d-pink-15a-tn.jpg (3009 bytes) Pink Delta Red 15a  99k  (454x670)
I think this girl is just cosplaying at home with some friends... and that's fine as long as they take pictures for everybody to see! 
cam-d-pink-16a-tn.jpg (2030 bytes) Pink Delta Red 16a  21k  (331x668)
The first time I got online in 1996, I did a search for "Cammy", and this picture is one of the first things I found, so it's kinda special to me...
cam-d-pink-17a-tn.jpg (2150 bytes) Pink Delta Red 17a  20k  (224x640)
This is one of the best Cammy cosplayers.  The girl, her outfit, and everything else is almost perfect.
cam-d-pink-17b-tn.jpg (2844 bytes) Pink Delta Red 17b  27k  (256x640)
This Cammy is really great looking, but she looks like a lady I worked with in Japan, so it's a little bit awkward for me.  (I never imagined her dressed up as Cammy! ^_^)
cam-d-pink-17c-tn.jpg (2664 bytes) Pink Delta Red 17c  23k  (384x384)
And here's a close-up picture of this pretty Cammy.
cam-d-pink-18a-tn.jpg (2693 bytes) Pink Delta Red 18a  29k  (345x503)
I know this Cammy!  This is the nitwit that I met at the Spring 2000 Tokyo Game Show... she wouldn't take off her coat to let people take pictures of her because she was kinda freaked out.
cam-d-pink-18b-tn.jpg (2785 bytes) Pink Delta Red 18b  9k  (173x246)
From what I saw, I knew she'd made a great Cammy!  She musta snuck off to some private corner where one of her friends took some pictures.  I'm glad that the pics somehow found their way over to me... I was really annoyed that I couldn't take any pictures!
cam-d-pink-18c-tn.jpg (3104 bytes) Pink Delta Red 18c  28k  (341x502)
This picture is especially good... it's gotta be one of the best looking and coolest looking Cammy cosplay pictures!
cam-d-pink19-tn.jpg (3088 bytes) Pink Delta Red 19  31k  (450x310)
This picture is just a teaser of a great cosplayer.  Click on the link to check out a bigger version, but what you see in the picture is pretty much all you'll see in the bigger version... you don't get to see much of the outfit.   >_<
cam-d-pink20a-tn.jpg (2494 bytes) Pink Delta Red 20a  55k  (400x600)
This girl's name is Karen, but I don't know anything else about her.  As you can see on this picture, it was taken on 12/31/03 at 12:58 pm.
cam-d-pink20b-tn.jpg (1982 bytes) Pink Delta Red 20b  46k  (400x600)
I like this picture because of the different perspective and the look on her face... it's like she's thinking "Did you really think you could win a fight against me...?"
cam-d-pink20c-tn.jpg (2309 bytes) Pink Delta Red 20c  65k  (400x600)
Just a normal pose here, but it's a great picture that lets you see the entire outfit.  Plus, you can see all the luggage she brought to the show!
cam-d-pink20d-tn.jpg (2277 bytes) Pink Delta Red 20d  52k  (400x600)
This is another really nice close-up picture with an interesting perspective.
cam-d-pink21a-tn.jpg (2374 bytes) Pink Delta Red 21a  91k  (493x640)
This is Midori Ayato posing by a tree... where, in Tokyo Disneyland?
cam-d-pink21b-tn.jpg (2167 bytes) Pink Delta Red 21b  54k  (600x800)
And here is Midori again.  It looks like she might have a ARSF Cammy style holster and gun in this picture.
cam-d-pink22-tn.jpg (1939 bytes) Pink Delta Red 22  30k  (256x384)
Nothing too fancy here, just a really nice close-up portrait type picture.
cam-d-pink23-tn.jpg (2591 bytes) Pink Delta Red 23a  96k  (480x1022)
Wow, just look at those boots!  I guarantee you've never seen a Cammy cosplayer wear anything that before...
cam-d-pink24-tn.jpg (2153 bytes) Pink Delta Red 23b  51k  (480x640)
This picture was taken outside at the Tokyo Big Sight.  Cammy looks kinda cold... maybe it was during the Winter Comicket?  Wouldn't be the first time I've seen somebody cosplay Cammy outdoors in the winter.  (like pics 20a-d)